It started with you In Mind.

Who We Are

Fricanèe is Africa and nèe all at once, Frica-nèe. It means originates from Africa. We value sustainability, wearability, youthfulness and timelessness.

All of our pieces are lovingly crafted to voice these themes. We currently ethically produce and operate from Accra and Cape Coast, Ghana. African style is far from colloquial, it’s as expressive, diverse and intricate as the melanin variations of our skin.

Our fashion wavelength sends out vibrations like the sounds of our indigenous drums, untamed and dictated by the trends we set at our own evolving pace. Fricanèe creations resonate with the one who values evolving, forward fashion owns their style and leans towards mild statement pieces.


Crafted by hand

Discover the essence of true craftsmanship with Fricanèe. Every piece is thoughtfully curated and meticulously crafted by hand, embodying the spirit of authenticity and dedication. At Fricanèe, we take pride in the artistry that goes into each design, celebrating the beauty of handmade creations. Elevate your style with a touch of craftsmanship that speaks to the heart of our brand. Fricanèe – where every stitch is a celebration of skill, passion, and the unique African spirit.


Passionate with You in Mind

Indulge in the passion of style with Fricanèe, where every piece is passionately crafted just for you. Our designs are born from a love for fashion and a dedication to expressing your individuality. From concept to creation, we infuse each garment with the fervor of our commitment to delivering styles that resonate with your unique taste. Step into a world where fashion meets passion, and let Fricanèe be the canvas for your distinct and captivating style journey.


Made for the African in You

Crafted with precision and passion, our designs are made for the African in you. Embrace the vibrancy, diversity, and strength of your heritage through fashion that speaks to your soul. At Fricanee, we celebrate the essence of Africa, creating pieces that resonate with your unique identity. It’s not just clothing; it’s a celebration of culture, a nod to your roots, and an expression of the extraordinary spirit within you.

Style Up





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